Pathways to Higher Education

The Australian Qualifications Framework is a world-class approach to build lifetime credentials. These unlock doors to higher education, job opportunities, and skills-based migration. Whether you’re studying online from overseas or are an international student in Australia (Year 12 and higher), our education pathways are a fully customisable way to chart your path. Each student’s entry and exit points on this pathway are different.

There are five pathways that bring students to start learning at Capital College:
This is a special pathway we created for all the students overseas who want to study, live and work in Australia but can’t get here due to border closures. Your options are to give up on The Australian Dream and go study in Canada, the UK or elsewhere, or keep The Australian Dream alive and get into #QualBanking.
This is where you study with us on a multi-year pathway with no visa (what’s the point if the borders are closed?) and so we don’t issue a CoE. But we do give you a healthy scholarship discount. You’ll study with Capital College Online. Every session is taught live by one of our training faculty (no taped videos or narrated slides). They are working days, evenings, and weekends to accommodate different time zones and make it easy for you to learn at your own pace.
You may be leaving Year 12 in your own country and need to improve your English skills before starting vocational training. Enrol with our English Language training partner AICOL. Then start your first Diploma or Certificate with us. The reality is, you might complete the whole qualification with us online from your home. That’s fine because you’ll be clocking up education credits under Australia’s AQF system. These add up.
When the borders open, we’ll change your enrolment from no visa/no CoE to issuing a CoE so you can go get your visa. Then you travel to Australia and continue with your next qualification with us. Remember those AQF credits? This is where you cash them in. Our university partners will recognise them and award you a credit transfer for 25% to 33% of the units you need to study for a Bachelor’s degree. This cuts roughly one year off your Degree. This is a safe, no-hassle pathway that saves you stress and a lot of expense. How did we come up with it? Hey, we’re on your side. That’s how.
If you’re in a country with no travel restrictions to Australia, or you have reason to believe the border will open soon, you may want to get your student visa in place with the Australian Government so you can travel as soon as you are able. If this is the advice your education agent or migration lawyer has given you, we will check your application. If successful, we will issue an Offer Letter. When you accept it, we will issue a CoE.
If you can’t travel to our campus immediately but need to stay in your home country, that’s fine. You’ll join Capital College Online with our other students from around the globe. These classes are highly interactive. You’ll get to know the same instructors you’ll be studying under in Australia, and make virtual friends so you have a friendship network before you arrive. When you’re clear to travel, just book your flight and pick up in class where you got up to online. It’s easy.
If you are currently enrolled with us at Capital College, you may be excited by our expanding scope of courses. Students may be eligible for waivers of enrolment fees when signing up for multi-year pathways.
How about a Diploma of Business followed by the Diploma of Leadership and Management, followed by the Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management, and capped off by the incredibly helpful Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership (which at AQF8 is rated higher than a Bachelor’s degree at AQF7)?
Or you may prefer a two-year Information Technology pathway.
Or a two-year Hospitality Management pathway.
Or a multi-year pathway in our Health and Community stream.
If you’re already our student and enjoy our trainers and facilities, we’d love to keep looking after your needs.

You’re already based in Canberra or the Gold Coast, and love it! You may now be completing a course in English Language. Or you might be completing Year 12 and want an alternative to university (see here).

Perhaps you’ve been staying in Australia on a work or travel visa, and now plan to move to a student visa. Or you may be about to complete a certificate or diploma at another education provider, and see our courses as a logical next step.

Sometimes the Australian city you start studying in isn’t where you finish.  It’s common for students to reassess plans, for many reasons. Traffic jams. Commute times. Lack of employment. High cost of living. College closures. Work closures. State border closures. Sometimes your needs are better served by a new start. 

Our campuses in Canberra and the Gold Coast offer Government-approved regional incentives to students. They’re 40% less expensive to live in than big cities. Less crowded. Less competition. Less COVID.  Yet large enough to rate among the best student cities in the world for lifestyle, health, jobs, and value.

You may find it advantageous to lock in a multi-year pathway with Capital College. For example, students who meet the pre-requisites can take our leadership and management curriculum. This provides three certificates over three years (a diploma, advanced diploma, and graduate diploma). Two-year programs diploma and advanced diploma courses are available in Information Technology. Two-year Certificate III and IV qualifications may be earned in our Health & Community pathway.

After completing a one- to four-year program at Capital College, you may wish to articulate to one of our Higher Education partners, and extend your studies to a Bachelor’s degree.

If you are an international student aged 17+ currently studying Year 12 at a Secondary School anywhere in Australia, there can be many reasons why going straight to university may not be the right option for you right now, yet you want to stay in Australia rather than fly home. We provide a smooth pathway to vocational certificate and diploma courses for Year 12 leavers. These provide credits towards university study, to use at a later date. If you choose to study in our Gold Coast campus, it may feel like Schoolies Week never ended!

A few special arrangements are needed for students under 18 years of age, as discussed in detail here >> Information for Year 12 Students


Our Higher Education Partners

After completing your qualification studies with Capital College, you may have earned AQF credits towards Higher Education. Our university and college partners provide Bachelor's degrees and higher for Capital College graduates seeking deeper a qualification in your field of study.

Macleay College

A Diploma of Leadership & Management qualification from Capital College earns a 25% credit on a Bachelor of Business degree at Macleay College (CRICOS Provider 00899G). Adding an Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management earns a 33% credit. Capital College and Macleay College issue joint-CoEs to students on this pathway. This is available to Canberra and Gold Coast students, because Macleay College operates a campus in Sydney for Canberra students, and on the Gold Coast.

Griffith University

All Capital College students who successfully complete an Australian Qualification Framework Level 5 Diploma automatically qualify for up to a one year credit towards a Bachelor’s degree at Griffith University (CRICOS Provider 00233E). Available to Gold Coast students only.

University of Canberra

After qualifying for your Capital College diploma or advanced diploma, up to 24 credits will be awarded against a Bachelor degree by the University of Canberra (CRICOS Provider 00212K). You can choose from a Bachelor of Event & Tourism Management, or Bachelor of Business in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Bachelor of Human Resource Management, Bachelor of International Business, or a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Economics or Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Banking. This is available to Canberra students only.


After graduating from a Capital College diploma or advanced diploma, take your education to the next level by enrolling with Southern Cross University (CRICOS Provider 01241G). Up to 8 units (33%) will be awarded towards a Bachelor of Arts (CRICOS Code 016183A), Bachelor of Psychological Science (CRICOS Code 071464B), or Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications (CRICOS Code 091527D). This is available to Gold Coast students only.

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