
Trisha Mooney

Senior Trainer & Assessor
Trisha has nearly 30 years of experience in business, with a specific emphasis on leadership, project management, human resources, and training compliance. She also holds deep experience in health, emergency care, paramedics, pathology, nursing, aged care, and disability care. She loves to see the lights come on in students’ eyes when it all starts to make sense! In her spare time, she enjoys relaxing at home with her son and pet cat.

Certificate IV Training and Assessment
Bachelor in Vocational Education and Training
Diploma in Vocational Education and Training
Diploma in Training Development and Design
Diploma in Project Management
Bachelor in Business (Human Resources)
Bachelor in Pre Hospital Care Paramedical Science (Intensive Care Paramedic)
Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety
Advanced Diploma in Emergency Management
Bachelor in Nursing
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