I.T.’s top future-proof careers


Careers in IT are one of Australia’s hottest tickets for international students. According to Hays Salary Guide, 53% of Australian companies are creating more jobs for their IT departments. This is forecast to add 100,000 workers to Australia’s IT industry by 2023.

It’s a potential gold rush for international students. But the decision to study IT is also about future-proofing your career.

Jobs in IT are a safe harbour in a decade that will be defined by work automation and cybercrime. A shortage of talent and the increase in need will dramatically lift salaries for well-trained Information Technology and Operational Technology professionals within any data-driven organisation.

Consider this peek to the decade ahead:

The number of humans on the Internet will reach 6 billion by 2022, and 7.5 billion people by 2030. At that time a complex mesh of 91 billion devices will be operating around the world, with estimates that every human will be connected to 10 devices. Every networked device in a body, smart home, vehicle, workplace or city will be a potential access point to sensitive personal, biometric and financial data. This creates increasingly complex privacy and cybersecurity challenges, which IT professionals will be tasked with solving.

At the same time, analysis firm Oxford Economics forecasts up to 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world could be replaced by robots or software by 2030. The more repetitive the job, the greater the risk of it being wiped out. This is already happening in factories. About 1.7 million manufacturing jobs have been lost to robots since 2000, including 400,000 in Europe, 260,000 in the US, and 550,000 in China. So these workers move out of manufacturing and get new jobs in transport, construction, maintenance, office administration and service work−which are also vulnerable to automation in the next wave.

But as technology replaces humans in the workplace, IT jobs are already booming and forecast to continue doing so. Now is the time for young men and women to prepare for such a career by starting their IT qualification with Capital College.

Here are the careers forecast to be in highest demand in the IT industry:

  • Cloud Engineer:

    These roles are required to plan, develop, manage, and support various types of cloud software and infrastructure. Cloud services offer a wide range of benefits, including expense savings on server equipment and accessibility of information from anywhere with an internet connection. Engineers in the field are now in more demand than ever.

  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Engineer:

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology that allows for automated, machine-learned processes without human involvement. It is predicted to replace 40% of Australian jobs in the next 20 years. IT students that learn about AI should expect an increasingly high demand for their skills as businesses strive to innovate and compete in the evolving market.

  • Cyber Security Analyst:

    The main job of a cybersecurity analyst is to protect computer and networking systems from cyber attacks and hackers. Cybersecurity is one of the most demanding jobs in Australia. Due to their unique skills, these individuals are well-compensated.

  • Database Administration, Analytics & Helpdesk:

    The more insights you can gain from your data resources, the faster those insights can be applied to business decisions, and the more you can help users with technology mishaps, the more value you can squeeze out of your information systems. Putting practical business intelligence in the hands of managers when and where they need it is the role database administrators. These are increasingly offering insights through analytics tools, and the skills of a service-centric helpdesk role.

  • Mobile & Web Development:

    Australia’s e-commerce industry generates nearly $30 billion per year. Social media plays a key role in everyday life for 8 in 10 Australians. These technologies plus chatbots, wearable technology and peer-to-peer payment apps will continue to need updated skill sets to keep pace with innovations, consumer needs, and evolving trends. A rising demand for applications programmers and web developers is set to open nearly 150,000 jobs by 2023.

Capital College provides the latest Australian Government endorsed Diploma of Information Technology and higher-intensity Advanced Diploma of Information Technology. Both include modules designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge forecast to be of immediate and lasting value in Australia’s growing IT sector. These skills are transferable to any country with emerging and growing complexity and demand in this field.


Nic Read

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