Diploma of Hospitality Management

VET Course Code: SIT50416  |  CRICOS Code: 106019H

Before and during the global pandemic, one thing has stayed the same: people will richly reward others to cook their meals, pour their drinks, clean their room and make their bed. Learning how to profitably deliver an exceptional guest experience is at the heart of our Diploma of Hospitality Management.

At a Glance




Gold Coast


50 wk tuition
+ 14 wk holidays
= 64 weeks


Every 3 weeks
View Intake Dates

Industry Trends

Government projections show that by 2024 the number of jobs for this profession will grow by 23% in Canberra, and by 21% on the Gold Coast*.

*Statistics on projected employment growth are available on the Labour Market Information Portal at lmip.gov.au.

Potential Income

The Fair Work Ombudsman and Payscale report income for the roles this qualification is suited to ranges from $54,000-$81,000 comprised of salary and bonuses, based on hours and performance.

Career Prospects

Potential career pathways for graduates of this qualification include;

  • Banquet or Function Manager
  • Bar Manager
  • Café Manager
  • Club Manager
  • Executive Housekeeper
  • Front Office Manager
  • Gaming Manager
  • Kitchen Manager
  • Hotel Manager
  • Restaurant Manager or
  • Unit Manager of Catering Operations.

Course Details


This is the qualification to take when you want to develop into a highly skilled operator in the hospitality sector. You will learn how to develop quality customer service skills, manage finances within a budget, and lead staff within regulatory requirements. The learning is delivered as a blend of hands-on practice, simulation, and theory, teaching you everything you need to become a highly-skilled manager in any service-led business from coffee shops to five-star resorts. If you love working with people, are goal-oriented, and want to prepare for a rewarding career in hospitality and tourism in anticipation of a post-pandemic travel surge, then this is the right course at the right time.

Course Fees

Overseas with CoE / Visa


Tuition Fees: $12,000
Materials Fee: $450
Enrolment Fee: $250

In Australia with CoE / Visa


Tuition Fees: $10,500
Materials Fee: $450
Enrolment Fee: $250

Overseas with no CoE / Visa

Not offered

Entry Requirements

Minimum Australian Year 12 Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (or foreign equivalent).

Minimum age 18 unless you are enrolling directly from Year 12 aged 17. All students under 18 must provide evidence of a Homestay arrangement and signed permission from a parent or legal guardian. Minimum English language proficiency of IELTS 5.5 (overall band) or equivalent. Prior to commencement, students intending to travel to Australia must secure a student visa or temporary graduate visa. Where you have a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and visa but cannot travel to Australia, the course may commence online.

You will submit a pre-training assessment review to assess if the course is appropriate for your interests and abilities, plus an LLN to determine
learner needs.

Units of Study

In order to achieve the SIT50416- Diploma of Hospitality Management, students must satisfactorily complete 28 units of competency: 13 core units plus 15 elective units.

Core Units

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
SITXCCS007 Enhance customer service experiences
SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service practices
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
SITXFIN003 Manage finances within a budget
SITXFIN004 Prepare and monitor budgets
SITXGLC001 Research and comply with regulatory requirements
SITXHRM002 Roster staff
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

Elective Units

SITXHRM004 Recruit, select and induct staff
SITXHRM006 Monitor staff performance
SITHIND001 Use hygienic practices for hospitality service
SITHIND004 Work effectively in hospitality service
SITHACS008 Provide accommodation reception services
SITTTSL007 Process reservations
HLTAID003 Provide first aid
SITXFSA004 Develop and implement a food safety program
SITHKOP007 Design and cost menus
SITXCCS002 Provide visitor information
BSBADM502 Manage meetings
BSBCMM401 Make a presentation
BSBITU306 Design and produce business documents
SITXEBS002 Develop, implement, and monitor the use of social media in a business
SITXINV004 Control stock

Additional Information

Course Delivery

The Capital College materials fee provides all required texts for this course, plus access to our student portal and online tools. The sequencing of delivery is:

  1. Reading course texts (online) and other learning materials;
  2. Attending face-to-face classes (currently replaced by webinars);
  3. Attending to online quizzes and case studies;
  4. Applying learning in context outside of the classroom;
  5. Online forums for information.

The following learning techniques are employed:

a. Trainer presentations & demonstrations;
b. Individual tasks;
c. Contextualised case studies;
d. Quizzes;
e. Research;
f. Role-plays; and
g. Practical group work.

RPL & Credit Transfer

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT)

You may be eligible for RPL if you have sufficient life or work experience to meet the requirements of one or more whole units of competency within this qualification. A fee will be quoted on application.

We recognise all Australian Qualification Framework Certificates and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations in Australia. You will need to provide the original Certificate or Statement of Attainment (or a certified copy).
We charge no fee on applications for Credit Transfer under National Recognition. All applications for RPL or Credit Transfer must be made prior to the commencement of the course.

RPL assessment attracts a fee for the assessment of each unit.


Assessment will take place at a Capital College campus, or online.

Written projects will be completed by students in their own time.

All activities will be conducted by duly accredited assessors.

Assessors will provide detail of all assessment requirements in advance.

Three assessment attempts will be provided, with support. If satisfactory competence is not observed, the student may be advised to enrol in further relevant training.

What to Study Next?

Students awarded this qualification may progress to our Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (SIT60316) then to employment in the sector, or to higher education qualifications in travel, tourism, and hotel management.

Upon successful completion of the 28 units of competency in this course, students will be issued the SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management.

If a student does not complete the full qualification but has successfully achieved units, a Statement of Attainment will be issued, indicating the units completed. Graduates may be eligible for credit towards a university and/or guaranteed entry to a top Australian University.

Capital College has also secured articulation pathways with several leading higher education institutes- learn more and check out our list of partner universities.

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