2021 Fees & Policies

DIPLOMA of Business 52 BSB50120 106020D $250 $300 $8,500 $10,500 $5,000 tba
DIPLOMA of Leadership & Management 56 BSB50420 104300A $250 $300 $8,500 $10,500 $5,000 tba
ADVANCED DIPLOMA of Leadership & Management 52 BSB60420 105658G $250 $300 $8,500 $10,500 not offered tba
GRADUATE DIPLOMA of Strategic Leadership 52 BSB80320 105945M $250 $450 $10,500 $12,000 not offered tba
DIPLOMA of Information Technology 57 ICT50220 105573A $250 $450 $10,500 $12,000 $5,000 tba
ADVANCED DIPLOMA of Information Technology 64 ICT60220 105944A $250 $450 $10,500 $12,000 not offered tba
DIPLOMA of Hospitality Management 64 SIT50416 106019H $250 $450 $10,500 $12,000 not offered tba
ADVANCED DIPLOMA of Hospitality Management 76 SIT60316 106021C $250 $450 $10,500 $12,000 not offered tba
Certifcate III in Individual Support 52 CHC33015 100455 $250 $450 $8,500 $10,500 not offered tba
Certifcate IV in Ageing Support 52 CHC43015 100456 $250 $450 $8,500 $10,500 not offered tba

*Entry to the domestic VET market will commence on the Gold Coast campus from July 2021
Average pricing & competitor analysis for the domestic market: https://www.myskills.gov.au

CoE issued after payment of:

  • Enrolment fee
  • Materials fee
  • Tuition deposit: Term 1 tuition fee

Paying the balance of Tuition:

Pay Quarterly: the tuition fee balance is paid in equal instalments before the start of Term 2, 3 and 4.


  • The enrolment fee is non-refundable in all cases.
  • The materials fee is non-refundable in all cases.
  • The tuition deposit is fully refundable in the case of visa refusal prior to commencement.
  • The tuition deposit is 90% refundable in the case of withdrawals prior to commencement.
  • An administration fee of $200 is applied to the processing of any refund.

Late Payments:

Invoices paid 14 days late incur a $50 late fee.

Financial Hardship Plan:

Students can apply for a weekly repayment plan in cases of significant financial hardship. This must be arranged before future payments are missed. With Finance Officer approval, weekly payments can be arranged by direct debit and will incur a 1.6% surcharge.

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