#QualBanking in a Pandemic

What if I can't travel to Australia right now?

You’ve seen The Australian Dream, and you want it. It’s where you can be anything you want, and have a future brimming with opportunity. Australia’s economy didn’t skip a beat when the rest of the world plunged into the 2008 global financial crisis. House prices continued to surge and wages kept rising.

When the next global crisis hit with COVID-19, Australia responded swiftly and emerged as one of the few countries with almost no infection. It remains a modern paradise, blessed by mineral wealth, political stability, iconic landscapes, and the freedom to dream. It’s the world’s best lifestyle.

But not every student gets here as fast as they’d like. Some applications for student visas are rejected due to incomplete credentials. Other students live where the border to Australia is temporarily closed.

It’s easy to grow impatient when you have setbacks. But don’t give up on The Australian Dream, for within every setback is hidden opportunity…

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is respected globally as one of the best-integrated approaches to education. It encourages lifelong learning and the ongoing attainment of credentials, from academic qualifications to on-the-job vocational development.

Why this matters to you is that when you study a whole course, or even a module or micro-credential, you start building a bank of qualifications in Australia—even if you study online. Every school, college, university, and workplace recognises and gives credit for AQF credentials. So even if you can’t travel to live in Australia right now, you can still build credits to achieve The Australian Dream.

We call this #QualBanking.

Why #QualBanking?

  • QualBanking can improve your credentials when applying for a student visa.
  • QualBanking builds credit towards different certificates, diplomas and degree qualifications.
  • QualBanking helps you stand out to employers in Australia and around the world.

Your migration agent can tell you how QualBanking counts towards migration points.


#QualBanking at Capital College

You no longer need to think that flying to another country is the event that signals your education and migration pathway has really started. That’s the old way. The new way is you don’t need to leave home. You don’t need to incur the cost of international relocation. You don’t need to start living in a more expensive country or cap the number of hours you can work each week.

Instead, join our live online classes with a real teacher and other students (we don’t use canned videos or animations). Build your credentials. Stay and work at home. Save your money. Get the education and migration benefits of an Australian qualification without all the associated costs. Maybe you’ll complete an entire qualification online. Maybe you’ll do more. When borders open again and it makes sense to apply for a student visa to travel here, all your hard work may bank in your favour.


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